BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Enumerations API Reference

A number of enumerations is used to represent basic Captcha options available in BotDetect Java CAPTCHA.


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha image color modes.

com.captcha.botdetect.ImageColorMode Enumeration members
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageColorMode enumeration member COLOR Captcha image is rendered in color, and it becomes greyscale on hover
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageColorMode enumeration member GRAYSCALE Captcha image is rendered in grayscale, and it becomes color on hover
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageColorMode enumeration member NONE Captcha image is still rendered in color by default and nothing happens on hover


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha code styles.

BotDetect Java Captcha Library CodeStyle Enumeration Reference
com.captcha.botdetect.CodeStyle Enumeration members
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha CodeStyle enumeration member ALPHANUMERIC Randomly generated Captcha codes will use both alphabet and numeric characters defined for the current character set
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha CodeStyle enumeration member ALPHA Randomly generated Captcha codes will use only alphabet characters defined for the current character set
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha CodeStyle enumeration member NUMERIC Randomly generated Captcha codes will use only numeric characters defined for the current character set


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha image styles.

com.captcha.botdetect.ImageStyle Enumeration members
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member ANCIENT_MOSAIC BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member BLACK_OVERLAP BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member BUBBLES BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member BULLETS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member BULLETS2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CAUGHT_IN_THE_NET BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CAUGHT_IN_THE_NET2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CHALKBOARD BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CHESS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CHESS3D BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CHIPPED BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CIRCLES BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member COLLAGE BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CORROSION BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CROSS_SHADOW BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CROSS_SHADOW2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member CUT BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member DARTS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member DISTORTION BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member ELECTRIC BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member FINGERPRINTS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member FLASH BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member GHOSTLY BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member GRAFFITI BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member GRAFFITI2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member HALO BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member IN_BANDAGES BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member JAIL BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member LEGO BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member MASS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member MELTING_HEAT BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member MELTING_HEAT2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member NEGATIVE BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member NEON BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member NEON2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member OVERLAP BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member OVERLAP2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member PAINT_MESS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member RADAR BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member RIPPLE BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member RIPPLE2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member ROUGH BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member SNOW BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member SPIDER_WEB BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member SPIDER_WEB2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member SPLIT BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member SPLIT2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member STITCH BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member STRIPPY BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member SUN_AND_WARM_AIR BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member SUNRAYS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member SUNRAYS2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member THICK_THIN_LINES BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member THICK_THIN_LINES2 BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member THIN_WAVY_LETTERS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member VERTIGO BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member WANTED_CIRCULAR BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member WAVE BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member WAVY_CHESS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageStyle enumeration member WAVY_COLOR_LETTERS BotDetect CAPTCHA image style screenshot


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha sound styles.

com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle Enumeration Members
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member ALIEN ALIEN
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member CASSETTE CASSETTE
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member CHORD CHORD
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member COLLAPSE COLLAPSE
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member DISPATCH DISPATCH
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member GUN GUN
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member HELICOPTER HELICOPTER
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member HIVE_MIND HIVE_MIND
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member MAGIC MAGIC
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member OCEAN OCEAN
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member PULSE PULSE
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member RADIO RADIO
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member RED_ALERT RED_ALERT
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member ROBOT ROBOT
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member SCRATCHED SCRATCHED
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member SEEKER SEEKER
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member SYNTH SYNTH
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundStyle enumeration member WORKSHOP WORKSHOP


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha image formats.

com.captcha.botdetect.ImageFormat Enumeration members
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageFormat enumeration member BMP Captcha images will be converted to the BMP format. Not most suitable for web purposes because of large resulting image size.
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageFormat enumeration member JPEG Captcha images will be converted to the JPEG image format. Results in good image quality and reasonable image sizes; used by default
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageFormat enumeration member GIF Captcha images will be converted to the GIF image format. Only suitable for some image styles, resulting in lower image quality with the more color dynamic image styles
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha ImageFormat enumeration member PNG Captcha images will be converted to the PNG image format. Results in good image quality and image size, but not supported in older versions of Internet Explorer (would be used by default if this wasn't the case)


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha sound output formats.

com.captcha.botdetect.SoundFormat Enumeration Members
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundFormat enumeration member WAV_PCM_16BIT_8KHZ_MONO The default format, used for underlying Captcha sound generation. Reasonable sound quality for Captcha purposes, resulting in moderate sound file sizes. Supported by most clients
com.captcha.botdetect.SoundFormat enumeration member WAV_PCM_8BIT_8KHZ_MONO Lower quality Wav format option, resulting in smaller sound file downloads while retaining good enough quality in most cases


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha sound regeneration modes.

SoundRegenerationMode Enumeration Members
SoundRegenerationMode enumeration member NONE Generate only one sound response per Captcha code, cache it on the server, and serve it for all consecutive sound requests.
SoundRegenerationMode enumeration member LIMITED Allow generation of a limited number of different sound responses (the minimum required to make Captcha audio work in all supported client browsers and devices), and automatically change the Captcha code on the client for consecutive sound requests if needed and possible.
SoundRegenerationMode enumeration member UNLIMITED Each audio request will generate a new Captcha sound response (previous BotDetect version behavior).


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha help link modes.

com.captcha.botdetect.HelpLinkMode Enumeration members
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha HelpLinkMode enumeration member TEXT Captcha image will be help link
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Reference: Captcha HelpLinkMode enumeration member IMAGE Help link will be displayed as text below Captcha image


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha code generation purposes.

CodeGenerationPurpose Enumeration Members
CodeGenerationPurpose enumeration member IMAGE_GENERATION The Captcha code will be used for Captcha image generation
CodeGenerationPurpose enumeration member SOUND_GENERATION The Captcha code will be used for Captcha sound generation


Enumerates all BotDetect Captcha validation attempt origins. Different origins can result in different validation rules being applied.

ValidationAttemptOrigin Enumeration Members
ValidationAttemptOrigin enumeration member UNKNOWN The validation origin isn't set
ValidationAttemptOrigin enumeration member SERVER The validation attempt is a result of server-side code called from a full postback
ValidationAttemptOrigin enumeration member CLIENT The validation attempt is a result of server-side code called from an Ajax call

Please Note

BotDetect Java Captcha Library v4.0.Beta3.7 is an in-progress port of BotDetect 4 Captcha, and we need you to guide our efforts towards a polished product. Please let us know if you encounter any bugs, implementation issues, or a usage scenario you would like to discuss.