BotDetect CAPTCHA Finnish Localization

This page contains the details of Finnish Captcha (Suomen Captcha) locales fully supported by BotDetect, for which there are both localized Captcha images and audio Captcha sounds available.

Supported Finnish CAPTCHA Locales


Captcha Locale overview:

Language Country BotDetect Locale settings
Finnish Finland fi, fin

Examples and specifications of individual Captcha feature localizations:

Finnish Localized CAPTCHA Images

Example Captcha images generated by BotDetect using the base Latin character set for all Captcha ImageStyle values can be seen in the BotDetect Captcha image styles demo

To use BotDetect Captcha images localized for the Finnish Captcha Locale in your application, you can specify the Locale value:

  • In ASP.NET applications, you can use either the .aspx page source:
    <!-- Captcha control localized to Finnish -->
    <BotDetect:WebFormsCaptcha ID="ExampleCaptcha" runat="server" Locale="fi" />
    or the page code-behind:
    // Set the Captcha instance Locale to Finnish    
    ExampleCaptcha.Locale = "fi";
    ' Set the Captcha instance Locale to Finnish    
    ExampleCaptcha.Locale = "fi"

    or Locale-dependent Captcha strings can be configured on application level in the <botDetect> Web.config configuration section:

    <botDetect locale="fi" 
  • In Java applications, you can use either the application web.xml configuration file setting:
    or the Captcha object instance-specific value:
    or Standard / Facelets JSF Captcha Tag page source:
    <botDetect:jsfCaptcha id="exampleCaptcha" locale="fi"
    or JSP Captcha Tag page source:
    <botDetect:captcha id="exampleCaptcha" locale="fi"
  • In ASP Classic applications, you can use either the application-global setting in the BotDetect\CaptchaConfig.asp file:
    ' Set the default Locale for all Captcha instances in the 
    ' Classic ASP application to Finnish
    BotDetect.Locale = "fi"
    or the Captcha object instance-specific value:
      Dim ExampleCaptcha : Set ExampleCaptcha = (New Captcha)("ExampleCaptcha")
      ExampleCaptcha.UserInputID = "CaptchaCode"
      ' Set the Captcha object instance Locale to Finnish
      ExampleCaptcha.Locale = "fi"
      Response.Write ExampleCaptcha.Html
  • In PHP applications, you can use either the application-global setting in the lib/botdetect/CaptchaConfigDefaults.php file:
    // Set the default Locale for all Captcha instances in the 
    // PHP application to Finnish
    $BDC_CaptchaConfig->Locale = 'fi';
    or the Captcha object instance-specific value:
      $ExampleCaptcha = new Captcha("ExampleCaptcha");
      $ExampleCaptcha->UserInputID = "CaptchaCode";
      // Set the Captcha object instance Locale to Finnish
      $ExampleCaptcha->Locale = 'fi';
      echo $ExampleCaptcha->Html(); 

Finnish Localized audio CAPTCHA Sounds

Example audio Captcha sounds generated by BotDetect using the Finnish Locale setting can be heard in the BotDetect Captcha features demo

To use BotDetect sounds localized for the Finnish Captcha Locale, you should also download the Finnish Pronunciation Sound Package and deploy the .bdsp file to the BotDetect sounds folder your application uses:

  • ASP.NET applications use Bin\BotDetectSounds by default. A custom folder can be specified in the <botDetect> configuration section.
  • Java applications use WEB-INF\BotDetectSounds by default. A custom folder can be specified in the web.xml configuration file setting.
  • ASP Classic applications use Redistribute\BotDetectSounds in the BotDetect installation folder by default. A custom folder can be specified in the BotDetect/CaptchaConfig.asp file.
  • PHP applications always use lib/botdetect/Resources/Sounds.

Finnish Localized CAPTCHA Codes

The fi Captcha locale uses a modified version of the Latin character set without the W character, for a total of 25 alpha characters.

CodeStyle.Alpha Finnish CAPTCHA Characters
Unicode code point Name Character
0x0041 a A
0x0042 bee B
0x0043 see C
0x0044 dee D
0x0045 ee E
0x0046 äffä F (not used)
0x0047 gee G (not used)
0x0048 hoo H
0x0049 ii I (not used)
0x004A jii J
0x004B koo K
0x004C ällä L (not used)
0x004D ämmä M
0x004E ännä N
0x004F oo O
0x0050 pee P
0x0051 kuu Q (not used)
0x0052 ärrä R
0x0053 ässä S
0x0054 tee T
0x0055 uu U
0x0056 vee V
0x0058 äksä X
0x0059 yy Y
0x005A tseta Z
CodeStyle.Numeric Finnish CAPTCHA Characters
Unicode code point Name Character
0x0030 zero 0
0x0031 one 1
0x0032 two 2
0x0033 three 3
0x0034 four 4
0x0035 five 5
0x0036 six 6
0x0037 seven 7 (not used)
0x0038 eight 8
0x0039 nine 9
CodeStyle.Alphanumeric Finnish CAPTCHA Characters
Unicode code point Name Character
0x0041 a A
0x0042 bee B
0x0043 see C
0x0044 dee D
0x0045 ee E
0x0046 äffä F (not used)
0x0047 gee G (not used)
0x0048 hoo H
0x0049 ii I (not used)
0x004A jii J
0x004B koo K
0x004C ällä L (not used)
0x004D ämmä M
0x004E ännä N
0x004F oo O (not used)
0x0050 pee P
0x0051 kuu Q (not used)
0x0052 ärrä R
0x0053 ässä S
0x0054 tee T
0x0055 uu U
0x0056 vee V
0x0058 äksä X
0x0059 yy Y
0x005A tseta Z (not used)
0x0030 zero 0 (not used)
0x0031 one 1 (not used)
0x0032 two 2 (not used)
0x0033 three 3
0x0034 four 4
0x0035 five 5
0x0036 six 6
0x0037 seven 7 (not used)
0x0038 eight 8
0x0039 nine 9

Current BotDetect Versions