The BotDetect CAPTCHA Composer Package
The free version of BotDetect PHP Captcha is also available as a Composer package in the composer packages repository: BotDetect PHP CAPTCHA Free Composer package.
We have already integrated BotDetect PHP Captcha Composer package with Laravel; currently the most popular PHP MVC framework using Composer for managing dependencies.
To integrate CAPTCHA into your web application, check the following resources:
- PHP Captcha Composer integration instructions
- BotDetect PHP Captcha code examples download
- BotDetect PHP Captcha documentation
PHP Captcha Composer integration instructions
To show a Captcha challenge on the form and check user input during form submission in CakePHP, Laravel and Symfony, check the following integration:
Composer CAPTCHA Integration into CakePHP framework
To integrate CAPTCHA into CakePHP framework, you should use the BotDetect CakePHP CAPTCHA Composer plugin which is also available on The package contains code that integrates BotDetect PHP CAPTCHA Composer package into your web application built on CakePHP framework. Here is how to start:
Step 1: Install the BotDetect CakePHP Captcha Composer Plugin
Run the following command in your application's root directory:
Step 2: Load the BotDetect CakePHP Captcha Composer Plugin in your application's bootstrap (<MY_CAKE_WEBROOT>/config/bootstrap.php
Plugin::load('CakeCaptcha', ['routes' => true]);
Check the following resources describing usage of BotDetect PHP Captcha in CakePHP:
- BotDetect CakePHP 3 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart
- BotDetect CakePHP 2 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart
Composer CAPTCHA Integration into Laravel framework
To integrate CAPTCHA into Laravel framework, you should use the BotDetect Laravel CAPTCHA Composer package which is also available on The package contains code that integrates BotDetect PHP CAPTCHA Composer package into your web application built on Laravel framework. Here is how to start:
Step 1: Install the BotDetect Laravel Captcha Composer Package
Run the following command in your application's root directory:
Step 2: Register the Laravel Captcha service provider (<MY_LARAVEL_WEBROOT>/config/app.php
"providers" => [ ... LaravelCaptcha\Providers\LaravelCaptchaServiceProvider::class ]
Step 3: Publish Captcha configuration file:
Run the following command in your application's root directory:
The captcha.php
file is already put in Laravel's config
folder now.
Check the following resources describing usage of BotDetect PHP Captcha in Laravel:
- BotDetect Laravel 5.2 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart
- BotDetect Laravel 5.1 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart
- BotDetect Laravel 5.0 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart
- BotDetect Laravel 4.2 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart
Composer CAPTCHA Integration into Symfony framework
To integrate CAPTCHA into Symfony framework, you should use the BotDetect Symfony CaptchaBundle package which is also available on The package contains code that integrates BotDetect PHP CAPTCHA Composer package into your web application built on Symfony framework. Here is how to start:
Step 1: Download CaptchaBundle using composer
Run the following command in your application's root directory:
Step 2: Enable the bundle (app/AppKernel.php
$bundles = array( ... new Captcha\Bundle\CaptchaBundle\CaptchaBundle(), );
Step 3: Import CaptchaBundle routing file (app/config/routing.yml
captcha_routing: resource: "@CaptchaBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Check the following resources describing usage of BotDetect PHP Captcha in Symfony:
- BotDetect Symfony 3 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart
- BotDetect Symfony2 CAPTCHA Integration Quickstart
BotDetect CAPTCHA Code Examples Download
Captcha code examples:
- PHP integration examples
- CakePHP integration examples
- CodeIgniter integration examples
- Laravel integration examples
- Symfony integration examples
BotDetect CAPTCHA Documentation
The full index of available BotDetect PHP CAPTCHA documentation can be found on the BotDetect documentation page.
Current BotDetect Versions
2019-07-22v4.4.2 -
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA
2019-07-22v4.0.Beta3.7 -