BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Web API Reference
To make Captcha integration into Java websites easy, the BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library exposes a public API focused on ease of use from JSP forms.
- com.captcha.botdetect.servlet.Captcha
- com.captcha.botdetect.jsf.JsfCaptcha
- com.captcha.botdetect.CaptchaUrls
Instances of Captcha
type can be created on your forms and will take care of Captcha display and validation. Captcha
object is also implicitly created by BotDetect Captcha Custom Tag.
Captcha Class Reference | ||
The Captcha constructor takes the Captcha identifier (e.g. "registrationCaptcha"), ICaptchaConfiguration object, and CaptchaPersistence object as parameters | |
boolean validate | Validate the Captcha from a server-side call, using values automatically read from the current request | |
boolean validate
Validate the Captcha from a server-side call, using the specified user input and the instanceId automatically propagated using a hidden field | |
boolean validate
Validate the Captcha from a server-side call, using the specified user input and instanceId. Used when automatic hidden field propagation doesn't work | |
static boolean validate
Validate the Captcha from a server-side call, specifying all validation parameters. Used in cases when a Captcha object instance is not available | |
boolean ajaxValidate | Validate the Captcha from an Ajax call, using values automatically read from the current request | |
boolean ajaxValidate
Validate the Captcha from an Ajax call, using the specified user input and the instanceId automatically propagated using a hidden field | |
boolean ajaxValidate
Validate the Captcha from an Ajax call, using the specified user input and instanceId. Used when automatic hidden field propagation doesn't work | |
static boolean ajaxValidate
Validate the Captcha from an Ajax call, specifying all validation parameters. Used in cases when a Captcha object instance is not available | |
static Captcha load
Loads the Captcha instance stored with the given captchaId | |
void load
Updates the Captcha instance according to state persisted for its captchaId value | |
void save
Saves necessary state from the given Captcha instance | |
void saveCaptchaCodes
Saves only updated code information from the given Captcha instance | |
string get/set UserInputID | Captcha user input textbox identifier used for all server-side and client-side user input processing. The default value is empty (must be set for each Captcha individually). Valid user Captcha user input id setting values are strings corresponding to the Html identifier of the Captcha code input control on the form. Each Captcha instance should have an associated user input control | |
int get/set CodeLength | Length (number of characters) of the Captcha code rendered; the default value is between 4 and 6 | |
CodeStyle get/set CodeStyle | Code style, i.e. the algorithm used to generate Captcha codes; the default value is ALPHANUMERIC | |
void setDisallowedCodeSubstringsCsv
Strings that should never occur in randomly generated Captcha codes. Can be both single characters (allows Captcha character set customization) and sequences of two or more characters (useful for swear words filtering, avoiding particular hard-to-read sequences etc.) | |
void setDisallowedCodeSubstringsList
Strings that should never occur in randomly generated Captcha codes. Can be both single characters (allows Captcha character set customization) and sequences of two or more characters (useful for swear words filtering, avoiding particular hard-to-read sequences etc.) | |
int get/set CodeTimeout | The time period after random Captcha code generation during which Captcha challenges based on it can be solved: when it expires, even correct inputs will be considered as invalid submissions | |
List<ImageStyle> get/set ImageStyle | Image style, i.e. the algorithm used to render Captcha codes in images; if no image style is set, it is randomized by default | |
ImageStyle set ImageStyle | Sets an Image style used to render Captcha image | |
ImageSize get/set ImageSize | Size of the Captcha image rendered; the default size is (250, 50) | |
ImageFormat get/set ImageFormat | Image format in which the Captcha image will be rendered; the default format is JPEG | |
java.awt.Color get/set CustomDarkColor | Optional custom dark color point, modifies the color palette used for Captcha image drawing | |
java.awt.Color get/set CustomLightColor | Optional custom light color point, modifies the color palette used for Captcha image drawing | |
boolean is/set SoundEnabled | Is Captcha sound enabled | |
List<SoundStyle> get/set SoundStyle | Sound style, i.e. the algorithm used to pronounce Captcha codes in sounds; if no sound style is set, it is randomized by default | |
SoundStyle set SoundStyle | Sets a Sound style used to generate Captcha sound | |
SoundFormat get/set SoundFormat | Audio format in which the Captcha sound will be generated; the default format is WAV_PCM_16BIT_8KHZ_MONO | |
SoundRegenerationMode get/set SoundRegenerationMode | Sound regeneration mode determining how will multiple consecutive requests for audio Captcha with the same Captcha code be handled by BotDetect; the default mode is LIMITED |
String get/set Locale | Locale string, affects the character set used for Captcha code generation and the pronunciation language used for Captcha sound generation | |
String get/set ImageTooltip | The Captcha image tooltip can be set for the entire application using web.xml settings; this instance property allows overriding those values dynamically | |
String get/set SoundTooltip | Tooltip of the Captcha sound icon | |
String get/set ReloadTooltip | Tooltip of the Captcha reload icon | |
String get/set HelpLinkText | Text or tooltip of the Captcha help link, depending on help link mode | |
String get/set HelpLinkUrl | Url of the localized Captcha help page the help link points to | |
boolean is/set ReloadEnabled | Is Captcha reloading (changing the Captcha code because the current one is too hard to read) enabled | |
boolean is/set UseSmallIcons | By default, tells is the selected Captcha image height so low that we should switch to smaller icons; can be user-specified to always (or never) use small icons | |
boolean is/set UseHorizontalIcons | By default, tells is the selected Captcha image height so low that we should switch to horizontal icon rendering; can be user-specified to always (or never) switch to the horizontal icon layout | |
String get/set SoundIconUrl | Url of the optional custom Captcha sound icon that will be used instead of the default one | |
String get/set ReloadIconUrl | Url of the optional custom Captcha reload icon that will be used instead of the default one | |
int get/set IconsDivWidth | Calculated width of the Captcha icons <div>, can be user-set to create custom icon layouts | |
boolean is/set HelpLinkEnabled | Will Captcha markup include a link to a Captcha help page providing Captcha instructions and explanations for form users | |
HelpLinkMode get/set HelpLinkMode | How will the Captcha help link be displayed. The default value is TEXT | |
int get/set TabIndex | Starting tabindex for the Captcha container Html markup elements There are three keyboard-selectable Captcha markup elements: the Captcha help link, the Captcha sound icon and the Captcha reload icon Depending on your settings (whether the Captcha help link is enabled, are Captcha sounds enabled, is Captcha reloading enabled), the next available tabindex on the page can be from 0 to 3 greater than this value |
String get/set AdditionalCssClasses | User-defined CSS classes that will be added to the BotDetect CAPTCHA container | |
String get/set AdditionalInlineCss | User-defined CSS style declarations that will be added as inline style of the BotDetect CAPTCHA container | |
boolean is/set AddCssInclude | Should the BotDetect layout stylesheet be included by the generated Captcha container markup | |
boolean is/set AddScriptInclude | Should the BotDetect JavaScript client-side script code be included by the generated Captcha container markup | |
boolean is/set AutoUppercaseInput | Should user Captcha code input be automatically uppercased on the fly | |
boolean is/set AutoFocusInput | Should the Captcha code input textbox automatically be assigned focus on all Captcha sound and Captcha reload icon clicks, allowing the users to more easily type in the code as they hear it or as the new image loads | |
boolean is/set AutoClearInput | Should the Captcha user input textbox automatically be cleared on all reload icon clicks and auto-reloads of expired Captcha codes | |
boolean is/set AutoReloadExpiredCaptchas | Should Captcha challenges automatically be reloaded when the Captcha code expires (controlled by the CodeTimeout property) | |
int get/set AutoReloadTimeout | Time period in seconds after which automatic reloading of expired Captcha challenges will cease | |
int get/set SoundStartDelay | Starting delay (in milliseconds) of Captcha audio JavaScript playback. The default value is 0 (no delay) | |
int get/set RemoteScriptEnabled | Should BotDetect also add a remote JavaScript include ( loaded from the server (which is currently used only for stats, but is planned to develop into additional Captcha functionality) | |
String get CaptchaId | Unique identifier of the Captcha within the application (for example, if you placed one Captcha on the Registration form and another on the Contact Us form, they would have distinct CaptchaId values) | |
String get CurrentInstanceId | Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha object instance, used to ensure each page load keeps separate Captcha codes, for example when opening the same form in multiple browser tabs | |
boolean isCaptchaSoundAvailable | Are Captcha sounds for the current Locale available | |
boolean isSoundPackageMissing | Is the BotDetect pronunciation sound package for the current Locale missing | |
boolean isRenderIcons | Should the icons be rendered (true if at least one of the icons will be rendered) | |
int getTotalWidth | Calculated width of the Captcha container <div>, based on Captcha image width and should the icons be rendered or not | |
int getTotalHeight | Calculated height of the Captcha container <div>, based on Captcha image height | |
String getScriptIncludeMarkup | BotDetect script include fragment, including script tags | |
String getInitScriptMarkup | BotDetect client-side initialization function | |
ICaptchaUrlGenerator get/set UrlGenerator | Instead of accessing the CaptchaUrls helper directly, we encapsulate the access through a field, so switching between relative and absolute urls can be done per Captcha instance | |
String getCaptchaImageUrl | Url of Captcha image generated for the current control instance | |
String getCaptchaSoundUrl | Url of Captcha sound generated for the current control instance | |
String getImageClientId | Client-side ID of the <img> element used for Captcha images | |
String getAudioPlaceholderClientId | Client-side ID of the empty placeholder <div> used for Captcha sound playback | |
String getValidatingInstanceKey | Name of the hidden field used to pass InstanceId between postbacks | |
String getValidatingInstanceId | InstanceId of the previous Captcha instance that is being submitted, set only if IsSubmit is true | |
String getHtml | Creates the Html markup that serves as a container for Captcha challenges (images and sounds) | |
String getLibInfo | Debug function for getting current BotDetect version and running Java version |
Intended to be used with JavaServer Faces. Extends UIComponentBase
so it is easy to add it to your form while binding with JSF managed bean's property allows more dynamic control of Captcha
JsfCaptcha Class Reference | ||
JsfCaptcha | The JsfCaptcha constructor has no parameters because id is assigned through attribute value on the page |
boolean validate
Validates the Captcha, comparing the user input to the Captcha code stored on the server. Each randomly generated Captcha code can only be validated once, regardless of the validation result | |
void setCodeLength
Length (number of characters) of the Captcha code rendered; the default value is between 4 and 6 | |
void setUserInputID
Captcha user input textbox identifier used for all server-side and client-side user input processing | |
void setCodeStyle
Code style, i.e. the algorithm used to generate Captcha codes; the default value is ALPHANUMERIC | |
void setCodeTimeout
The time period after random Captcha code generation during which Captcha challenges based on it can be solved: when it expires, even correct inputs will be considered as invalid submissions | |
void setDisallowedCodeSubstrings
Strings that should never occur in randomly generated Captcha codes. Can be both single characters (allows Captcha character set customization) and sequences of two or more characters (useful for swear words filtering, avoiding particular hard-to-read sequences etc.) | |
void setImageStyle
Image style, i.e. the algorithm used to render Captcha codes in images; if no image style is set, it is randomized by default. | |
void setImageFormat
Image format in which the Captcha image will be rendered; the default format is JPEG. | |
void setImageWidth
Width of the Captcha image rendered; the default width is 250 pixels. | |
void setImageHeight
Height of the Captcha image rendered; the default height is 50 pixels. | |
void setCustomLightColor
Optional custom light color point, modifies the color palette used for Captcha image drawing | |
void setCustomDarkColor
Optional custom dark color point, modifies the color palette used for Captcha image drawing | |
void setSoundEnabled
Sets whether Captcha sound is enabled is the sound icon and related code added to Captcha markup). Default is true . |
void setSoundStyle
Sound style, i.e. the algorithm used to generate sound; if no image style is set, it is randomized by default. | |
void setSoundFormat
Sound format in which the Captcha image will be rendered; the default format is JPEG. | |
void setSoundRegenerationMode
Sound regeneration mode determining how will multiple consecutive requests for audio Captcha with the same Captcha code be handled by BotDetect; the default mode is LIMITED |
void setSoundStartDelay
Starting delay (in milliseconds) of Captcha audio JavaScript playback. The default value is 0 (no delay) | |
void setLocale
Locale string, affects the character set used for Captcha code generation and the pronunciation language used for Captcha sound generation | |
void setHelpLinkEnabled
Will Captcha markup include a link to a Captcha help page providing Captcha instructions and explanations for form users | |
void setHelpLinkMode
How will the Captcha help link be displayed. The default value is TEXT | |
void setTabIndex
Starting tabindex for the Captcha container Html markup elements | |
void setImageTooltip
The Captcha image tooltip can be set for the entire application using web.xml settings; this instance property allows overriding those values dynamically | |
void setSoundTooltip
Tooltip of the Captcha sound icon | |
void setReloadTooltip
Tooltip of the Captcha reload icon | |
void setHelpLinkText
Text or tooltip of the Captcha help link, depending on help link mode | |
void setHelpLinkUrl
Url of the localized Captcha help page the help link points to | |
void setReloadEnabled
Is Captcha reloading (changing the Captcha code because the current one is too hard to read) enabled | |
void setUseSmallIcons
By default, tells is the selected Captcha image height so low that we should switch to smaller icons; can be user-specified to always (or never) use small icons | |
void setUseHorizontalIcons
By default, tells is the selected Captcha image height so low that we should switch to horizontal icon rendering; can be user-specified to always (or never) switch to the horizontal icon layout | |
void setSoundIconUrl
Url of the optional custom Captcha sound icon that will be used instead of the default one | |
void setReloadIconUrl
Url of the optional custom Captcha reload icon that will be used instead of the default one | |
void setIconsDivWidth
Calculated width of the Captcha icons <div>, can be user-set to create custom icon layouts | |
void setAdditionalCssClasses
User-defined CSS classes that will be added to the BotDetect CAPTCHA container | |
void setAdditionalInlineCss
User-defined CSS style declarations that will be added as inline style of the BotDetect CAPTCHA container | |
void setAddCssInclude
Should the BotDetect layout stylesheet be included by the generated Captcha container markup | |
void setAddScriptInclude
Should the BotDetect JavaScript client-side script code be included by the generated Captcha container markup | |
void setAddInitScriptInclude
Should the JavaScript code for BotDetect client-side object creation be included in the generated Captcha container markup | |
void setAutoFocusInput
Should the Captcha code input textbox automatically be assigned focus on all Captcha sound and Captcha reload icon clicks, allowing the users to more easily type in the code as they hear it or as the new image loads | |
void setAutoClearInput
Should the Captcha user input textbox automatically be cleared on all reload icon clicks and auto-reloads of expired Captcha codes | |
void setAutoUppercaseInput
Should user Captcha code input be automatically uppercased on the fly | |
void setAutoReloadExpiredCaptchas
Should Captcha challenges automatically be reloaded when the Captcha code expires (controlled by the CodeTimeout property) | |
void setAutoReloadTimeout
Time period in seconds after which automatic reloading of expired Captcha challenges will cease | |
void setRemoteScriptEnabled
Should BotDetect also add a remote JavaScript include ( loaded from the server (which is currently used only for stats, but is planned to develop into additional Captcha functionality) |
Encapsulates Captcha Url generation according to current state and configured BotDetect options.
CaptchaUrls Class Reference | ||
static String getCaptchaImageUrl
Generates the Captcha image Url with the given parameter values | |
static String getCaptchaSoundUrl
Generates the Captcha sound Url with the given parameter values | |
static String getCaptchaValidationResultUrl
Generates the Captcha Ajax validation result Url with the given parameter values | |
static String getDefaultSoundIconUrl | Gets the BotDetect sound icon Url | |
static String getDefaultReloadIconUrl | Gets the BotDetect reload icon Url | |
String getSmallIconUrl
Gets the BotDetect small icon Url | |
String getDisabledIconUrl
Gets the BotDetect disabled icon Url | |
static String getScriptIncludeUrl | Gets the BotDetect client-side include Url | |
static String getLayoutStyleSheetUrl | Gets the BotDetect layout stylesheet Url |
Please Note
BotDetect Java Captcha Library v4.0.Beta3.7 is an in-progress port of BotDetect 4 Captcha, and we need you to guide our efforts towards a polished product. Please let us know if you encounter any bugs, implementation issues, or a usage scenario you would like to discuss.
Current BotDetect Versions
2019-07-22v4.4.2 -
BotDetect Java CAPTCHA
2019-07-22v4.0.Beta3.7 -