BotDetect ASP.NET CAPTCHA Events Reference

BotDetect ASP.NET Captcha uses a number of Captcha-specific events to allow detailed tracking of all phases in the Captcha workflow.


Base Captcha-specific event arguments class.



BotDetect.CaptchaEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.CaptchaEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Identifies which Captcha does the event apply to


Event arguments used for the GeneratingCaptchaCode event being fired before each random Captcha code generation.



BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaCodeEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to
BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property string CurrentInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha instance generating the code
BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property BotDetect.CodeCollection StoredCodes Captcha codes stored for this captchaId before the new code is generated


Event arguments used for the GeneratedCaptchaCode event being fired after each random Captcha code generation.



BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaCodeEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property string CurrentInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha instance which generated the code
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property string Code The random Captcha code generated
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property int CodeLength The Captcha code length used for code generation
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property BotDetect.CodeStyle CodeStyle The Captcha code style used for code generation
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property BotDetect. CodeGenerationPurpose Purpose Which purpose was the Captcha code generated for
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaCodeEventArgs public property BotDetect.CodeCollection StoredCodes Captcha codes stored for this captchaId after the new code has been generated


Event arguments used for the GeneratingCaptchaImage event being fired before each Captcha image generation.



BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaImageEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaImageEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to
BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaImageEventArgs public property string CurrentInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha instance generating the image


Event arguments used for the GeneratedCaptchaImage event being fired after each Captcha image generation.



BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaImageEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaImageEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaImageEventArgs public property string CurrentInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha instance which generated the image
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaImageEventArgs public property long Bytes Size of the generated image file
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaImageEventArgs public property System.Drawing.Size GdiImageSize Size of the generated image, in pixels
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaImageEventArgs public property BotDetect.ImageFormat ImageFormat Image format the Captcha image was generated in
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaImageEventArgs public property BotDetect.ImageStyle ImageStyle Image style used for Captcha image drawing


Event arguments used for the GeneratingCaptchaSound event being fired before each Captcha sound generation.



BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaSoundEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaSoundEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to
BotDetect.GeneratingCaptchaSoundEventArgs public property string CurrentInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha instance generating the sound


Event arguments used for the GeneratedCaptchaSound event being fired after each Captcha sound generation.



BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaSoundEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaSoundEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaSoundEventArgs public property string CurrentInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha instance which generated the sound
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaSoundEventArgs public property long Bytes Size of the generated sound file
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaSoundEventArgs public property long Duration Duration of the generated sound file, in milliseconds
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaSoundEventArgs public property BotDetect.SoundStyle SoundStyle Sound style used for Captcha sound generation
BotDetect.GeneratedCaptchaSoundEventArgs public property BotDetect.SoundFormat SoundFormat Sound format the Captcha sound was generated in


Event arguments used for the ValidatingUserInput event being fired before each Captcha validation.



BotDetect.ValidatingUserInputEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.ValidatingUserInputEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to
BotDetect.ValidatingUserInputEventArgs public property string CurrentInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha instance validating the user input
BotDetect.ValidatingUserInputEventArgs public property string ValidatingInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the previous Captcha instance which generated the Captcha code
BotDetect.ValidatingUserInputEventArgs public property BotDetect. ValidationAttemptOrigin Origin Origin of the Captcha validation attempt
BotDetect.ValidatingUserInputEventArgs public property BotDetect.CodeCollection StoredCodes Captcha codes stored for this captchaId before Captcha validation
BotDetect.ValidatingUserInputEventArgs public property string UserInput User input that will be compared to stored codes


Event arguments used for the ValidatedUserInput event being fired after each Captcha validation.



BotDetect.ValidatedUserInputEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.ValidatedUserInputEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to
BotDetect.ValidatedUserInputEventArgs public property string CurrentInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the current Captcha instance which validated the user input
BotDetect.ValidatedUserInputEventArgs public property string ValidatingInstanceId Globally unique identifier of the previous Captcha instance which generated the Captcha code
BotDetect.ValidatedUserInputEventArgs public property BotDetect. ValidationAttemptOrigin Origin Origin of the Captcha validation attempt
BotDetect.ValidatedUserInputEventArgs public property BotDetect.CodeCollection StoredCodes Captcha codes stored for this captchaId after user input was validated
BotDetect.ValidatedUserInputEventArgs public property string UserInput User input that was compared to stored codes
BotDetect.ValidatedUserInputEventArgs public property bool Result Captcha validation result


Event arguments used for the InitializedWebCaptchaEventArgs event being fired when each Captcha instance is created.



BotDetect.InitializedWebCaptchaEventArgs Class Reference
BotDetect.InitializedWebCaptchaEventArgs public property string CaptchaId Inherited from CaptchaEventArgs, identifies which Captcha does the event apply to